Prayer is central to the Christian life, both corporately when we meet together and in our personal devotions. We have a variety of prayer meetings to which all are warmly invited, when we pray for the needs of the church, the community and the world. St Lawrence church building is open most days for those who may wish to use the church for private prayer. Visitors are welcome to light candles or to write their prayer requests on a fish in our prayer corner at the south door, where literature about prayer and a variety of other issues is also available.
These are our regular times but do check with the Parish Office or our online Calendar for particular dates
Parish Prayer Meetings
Monthly on a Monday evening (7:30pm-9pm) at The Vicarage, usually the first Monday of the month.
Weekly on Wednesday mornings in Church Cottage (9am-9:30am).
Julian Group
A time of silent prayer and contemplation on alternate Tuesday afternoons, 4pm-5pm in Church Cottage.
Prayer Triplets
Church members are encouraged to meet regularly in triplets at a mutually convenient time to pray both for themselves and wider issues in the Church and the world.
Prayer Diary
This is a list of prayer topics which you may find useful to aid your prayer times, used in conjunction with the topical prayer points on our weekly bulletin.