Our Services   For service details for St Andrew’s (Eastleach) and St Peter’s (Southrop) please  click here

St Lawrence Church, Lechlade: 

The latest St Lawrence weekly bulletin: Bulletin 09 June 2024

There is an 8.00am service each Sunday, a spoken BCP Holy Communion.

Each Sunday there is also a service at 10.00am.  The format of this service is different each week, see below for the ‘normal’ plan.  Please note that the 10am service is also streamed live on Facebook and is available for watching online later, and that anyone who moves into the field of the camera (situated in the front pew) will appear on screen.  
>1st Sunday Holy Communion 
>2nd Sunday Together@10 – All Age Service
>3rd and 4th Sundays Informal Service of the Word 
>5th Sunday Traditional Holy Communion

Groups for children and young people take place for children aged from 2½ most Sundays in term time during the 10am service, other than during Together@10 services which are All Age.

At our 10am service we often use the “Green service book“, supplemented by a customised service sheet.  
This week’s 10am service sheet: Sun 09 Jun 2024 order of service

There is an evening service each Sunday at 5.00pm.  The pattern of worship for this service is
>1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays Choral Evensong
>2nd Sunday Choral Holy Communion
>5th Sunday Healing Service

Each Thursday there is a short spoken Holy Communion service at 10.00am.

Vicar’s Letters
Letters from Andrew our Vicar can be found by clicking here