Each year we hold a fun Holiday Bible Club for the children of our town during a week near the end of August. This year we are looking forward to learning about Peter and what it meant to be a friend of Jesus.
For children aged 5-11 years old (just completed Reception to Year 6), it will be an energetic and fun mix of Bible stories, songs, games, crafts, group work and general silliness!
The Club runs at St Lawrence Church in the Market Place on Tuesday 27 August, Wednesday 28 August, Thursday 29 August and Friday 30 August, from 9:15am until 12.00noon.
We will have a special celebration service on Sunday 01 September at 10am in St Lawrence Church.
All children are welcome to register, whether they have links with a church or not, and it is all completely free. Information and forms are being sent out from St Lawrence School and Southrop School, and will also be available in church. Alternatively sign up from 3rd June here.
If you have any questions please phone the office on 01367 358653 or email info@stlawrencelechlade.org.uk)